Stanley Peak

Peak Name: Stanley Peak
Distance: 7.1 miles
Date: December 30, 2015
Summit: 1,985 feet

In looking for somewhere new to hike, I stumbled on Stanley Peak. I had done several hikes in Daley Ranch previously, but never the summit of Stanley Peak.

I opted to take the Caballo trail to the summit. This trailhead near the Escondido Humane Society. I grabbed my poles and headed up the trail. Part way up, I took the Sage trail for a more direct route to the summit. The trail is straightforward as it climbs upward, eventually approaching the summit from the north side.

The summit offers a wonderful view of Escondido. Unfortunately, I can’t find any of my photos of this hike. I might summit this peak again, as there is a great burger place nearby…


UPDATE: May 14, 2019

So my late afternoon meeting got canceled, so I decided to head out to Daley Ranch and hike up to Stanley Peak. I opted the approach from the main entrance this time.


The area still was carpeted in green grasses and a few flowers. A small stream still flowed across the trail. As I worked my way toward the peak, the seasonal ponds were filled with water.

The summit was quiet, just the sound of the road below. I opted to make the route a loop, in part to enjoy the green meadows.

As began my return to the car, I began seeing a lot more people out enjoying the trails.

This peak was the 25th peak of my 100 Peak Challenge reboot.
